Salt Lake City has six active Sister City relationships with Matsumoto, Japan; Keelung, Taiwan; Chernivtsi, Ukraine; Izhevsk, Russia; Torino, Italy; and Trujillo, Peru. Though there is a vast range of diversity in these relationships, all share the common goal to promote peace through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation. Each relationship Salt Lake City established was created for a different reason, under different circumstances. The measure of success for one relationship may not be the best measure for another, yet all have the ultimate goal of promoting peace. The reasons behind the creation of each of our partnerships include cultural exchange programs, humanitarian aid, dignitary visits, economic development and student, teacher and employee exchange programs. Throughout the life of a Sister City relationship the goals may change or evolve, and the level of connectivity and involvement may vary greatly due to shifting political priorities, constantly changing city administrations, or even governmental instability. These constant changes create an ever evolving and fluctuating environment in which Sister City relationships must survive.